Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Practical Evaluation

  • The practical has allowed me break the barrier of intricate technicalities and uses purely imaginative approach within the poetic realm of visual music. 
  • I have used various traditional medium and let their materiality speak of my expression.
  • I have discovered that visual music is not about the music, it is about articulating personal impression of phenomenological experiences.  
  • As I do more of them I felt more engaged with my thought as I embraced the sensation of movements in free form animation.
  • KinoManual experimental workshop has taught myself about the process of direct-on-film animation and creating synthetic sound. It made me realise that everything is in the grasp of the hand as long as the artists have strong passion in their personal emotive expression.
  • It is easy to lose train of thought in the process of free form animation, which resulted on an incoherent animation during the process and have to rethink of doing things differently. 
  • This is why it is hard to put a full stop in the whole practical investigation as I learned new things every time with the framework of embracing the outcome of without having a solid plan. 
  • I found that the process of visual music is similar to meditation in which the physical sensations of things are felt through constant rehearsals of closely observing our surroundings. 
  • In the future, I want to do more of the experiments using nicer music or go even more abstract with the noises, or perhaps create a hybrid animation combining both narrative and abstract aspects; like those animations screened in festivals, I want my animation to have a bit of both.

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